I'm also in Seattle. I did a combination of a few suggestions in this thread in the last 12 months.
- sold and cashed out 3 Seattle properties in this crazy market
- refinance my house and took out a line of credit. Didn't want to be too aggressive/over leverage on my home... have a 200K HELOC. This is my "play money".
- 1031 exchanged 2 Seattle condos for 1 SFH and a 11-unit apartment building in NW Indiana (outside Chicago) as well as a triplex in Tacoma. All 3 properties cashflow.
- with the HELOC...
- bought a short sale with cash in Indiana. Will refi cash out after 6 months.
- bought a 10-unit apartment building in Indiana with a commercial mortgage
- bought a SFH in Indiana with cash - in the process of refi cash out. After cash out, money goes back to HELOC.
I am self-employed. No W-2 income. I'm taking out commercial mortgages even on the SFH. The bank does not care about my income as long as the property is profitable / meet DSCR criteria.