thanks for the respones...I've been devouring info on this site, and I'm ready to take some action. I do know exactly where this property is (my mothers lives about 1/2 mi away. Not a good part of the city or Reading, PA, but not the worst either. The seller did email me back saying it is vacant and they are selling for personal reasons. I responded that I'd like to at least check it out,'s about 15-20 min from me.
I also have checked out the foreclouse system here, but I'm a little clueless on what to do on it. Is it as simple as searching a zip and driving out to properties and putting a bid if interested? do you need a realtor? I'm currently reading the books offered in the marketplace here, but just started them today so I don't know if it covers that or not. Is there a user guide for the foreclosures on this site? sorry for all the questions, my interval drive is in high gear...always
GREAT vids and podcasts Brandon!