Wanted to share with you all on some updates below:
Today, a new organization to promote the rights of San Jose rental owners was launched….San Jose Residents for Real Housing Solutions. This is a grassroots organization of local rental owners who have invested their savings, their retirement, and their kids’ college funds into the community to provide quality rental housing for San Jose residents.
The proposed expansion of rent control in San Jose will have a negative impact on these individuals and SJRRHS is standing to unify these owners to oppose the expansion of rent control, educate the community about the effects of rent control, and promote real solutions that will help make housing more affordable.
The organization’s website is http://www.sanjosehousingsolutions.org/
The website is currently being refined and more information is in the process of being added. The launch will be publicized over the coming days.
It would be appreciated if you would please direct your clients, colleagues, owners to go to this website and sign up with San Jose Residents for Real Housing Solutions.
SJRRHS is raising money to fight rent control and further educate the public, the city, and the city council on the dangers of rent control, promote true housing solutions, and be prepared to take legal or political action should the city council adopt a new rent control policy that is overly harmful to rental owners and investors. A contribution form for SJRRHS is attached to this email.
Thank you for your continued support of the efforts of the CAA, Tri County, and our new grassroots organization San Jose Residents for Real Housing Solutions.