Is it possible for a realtor (buyer or seller's agent) to retrieve old emails from past realtors under the same brokerage firm (different subdivisions) and share them with buyers? Can emails from a previous sale made 5 years prior be shared without the seller's consent?
We were forwarded an email by the Buyer's Attorney where one of the messages sent to our attorney stated that when we purchased the house, a foundation issue was not only in the inspection report but that also we had negotiated with our sellers for a credit repair several years ago.We know inspection reports are not a public source. Our buyer's agent when we bought the house was under the same big umbrella realtor firm. That realtor and subdivision are no longer active, and our listing agent now is a different subdivision but under the same big-name brokerage firm. I don't want to come up with conspiracy theories, but how would such a statement be made if not for reading previous emails?
Could they have possibly had access to our old emails with the previous realtor? And is this normal? We truly had no recollection of this inspection report issue and weren't deliberately hiding anything but we're now scratching our heads at how such a specific accusation would have been made. Before we ask our realtor how this came up and how they knew, we wanted to know if this is normal or even allowed. We were never advised by our realtor to review our old inspection report before signing disclosures.