So the deal is that I'm fling bankruptcy something I didn't intend on ever doing but two divorces can do a number on you. The lawyers tell me that I can either wait two years or I can find a way to do it now. He claims clients of his have discharged their bankruptcy and as they were walking out, finalizing with their lending company for a home. Part of me wants to believe he's a lawyer just trying to make me feel better, but the other part of me remembers a time when I watched an informational about investment real estate and didn't want to believe that either.
I'm moving from Tacoma in September over the mountain to Moses Lake. I really don't want to get into renting a place but I have this sinking feeling that we won't be able to buy anything because 1) bankruptcy, 2) lack of income caused by the relocation and having to find another job, 3) little to no down payment or money.
It's not that I wouldn't be able to find really well paying jobs over there. My family there have connections, just not the kind of connections that are going to get me money for a house or anything. Not only that the houses that I'm looking into are lower cost and I'm getting the feeling most lenders are not interested in that kind of thing. Anyway, any advice would be nice. I'm just starting to scratch the surface on investing. I'm still debating being an agent.