Hello, first I want to thank you all in advance for any advice you are giving me. I have a couple of questions and I will try to make them as pin point as possible.
I have an idea or dream..for about 9 years now that I have been putting off for many reasons. I dream of creating a Property Management company that specializes in community turnaround services and quality of life improvement for low and middle class tenants. I am a somewhat blessed now but growing up I lived in projects and low income neighborhoods. I was never a bad kid but I have friends that are still there...good people, bad situations. I want to do something about it now.
So the questions.
If I was patching to a property owner about why they should take my non profit company over a for profit. In your opinion, what would be the best route?
Secondly, I saw in a non profit forum, someone said something about a property owner leasing to a non profit...how does that work?
Thank You again. PS I know I'm a little late to the forum but it's been great information.