Excellent discussion and clearly highlights various risks and issues with being an LP. I have been investing for the last 4 years and so far with minor exceptions only minor pain points. Here are my few cents:
1. Sponsor - vet them as you would do any partner. Check if they have skin in the game. Check their background if they are responsible for operations and maintenance.
2. Deals - do some basic research on the area and economy, schools, jobs growth, etc. This would be no different than if buying a property by yourself. The offering will give you basic deals economics so ask for stress scenario modelling. Most sponsors would do them anyway. Most critically understand the deal breakeven point, when the collected rent will only basic expense leaving nothing for the LP. This is usually in the 60-70% occupancy.
3. Terms - read the PPM, I know it is rather long and painful for spend 3 hours but after a while you will know what to look for. You have to understand the compensation structure and payment priority. You have to know what happens in the worst case scenario and be prepared for it.
4. Risk management : The art of successful investing is not to get home runs but rather not to get wiped out. Allocate capital you can afford to lose if the deal goes south. Spread your allocation across geography, sponsors and type of properties. (Although, I am not sure if you want to invest in too many of different types unless you fully versed in dynamics for each)
5. Start small and observe. If you qualify for a syndication, you should have resources you can risk. Just make sure your gain trumps your risk.