Whitney Moore about my team members...I have an attorney in each county I've invested in that is familiar with real estate law (to help with foreclosures, etc...or to just answer my abundant questions) and I've buddied up with the county agency offering the liens. Those employees are usually very helpful if you catch them at the right time of the year, between sales. If I'm in town, I like to go to the office and talk to them in person.
I've been buying liens online for counties that I am familiar with or that I can travel to when I'm out checking on my other investments... I live in northern CA and have been investing in the mid-west. Of course, the local title company is great to have answer questions. If I can't be somewhere in person to physically drive by potential investments as part of my due diligence, I hire a temporary assistant to help out. So far, I've had fairly good luck. But, I'll admit I've also purchased a couple duds, too. But that's how I learned a few things too. ????