I have the opportunity to purchase the building where I run my music studio. Off the market, the owner is in a 1031 exchange. He's open to selling it to me. He's currently looking for another property to roll over into.
It's an old brick triplex (1909) in the middle of Kennett Square PA. It's a great corner location just a block from downtown. Each floor could use some remodeling but is in okay condition. Some delayed maintenance I imagine based on things we've noticed in the year we've been there.
The first floor is commercial and the 2nd and 3rd floors are apartments. I use the first floor to teach music lessons with my wife and a college student we hired. We want to hire more people to work for us but the layout is odd and someone would have to walk through another person's lesson to get to their room. I could fix the layout with a bathroom renovation while creating a hallway to separate the entrances to different rooms. This would create a 3rd studio for us to have someone teach out of.
At his asking price the building would only be positive $74 per month but by renovating the first floor slightly to open a 3rd room We could make $144 a day with another teacher working 4 hours. If we had the room at max capacity (4 hours a day, 6 days a week) that would be $44,928 a year for our business. (Profit before taxes)
There's also the potential of renovating the basement and adding another 2 studios which could make a max of $134,784 per year for the business. (Profit before taxes)
On top of the business growth, the 2nd and 3rd floors could have some renovations done eventually to increase rents.
We could really use the space to grow because we are essentially maxed out with little to no room for more students based on our current schedules.
There are also the tax write-offs I could take by purchasing it through an LLC and renting it to myself.
It seems like a good idea to me even at the current break-even cash flow because of the room for growth.
What are your thoughts, should I buy it?
Alex Pollock