And if you want to watch them roll their eyes, and never talk to you again, ask them if they'll wait until when and if you sell your rehab, to get paid.
Point taken but i also don't want to pay them all upfront so I came up with an arrangement like this:
% 20 upfront to start the work and purchase necessary materials
% 30 after the first phase is done (you define what will be included in this phase)
% 30 after the second phase is done (you define what will be included in this phase)
% 20 upon completion of project minus any penalty fee for each day passed the deadline. for a $100,000 i am thinking of $ 30 / day late fee penalty so me as the investor will not lose any money and also the contractor is more motivated to finsih the job on time.
Also having a general contractor who does the entire thing for a fixed price will save you lots of time and headaches; even though it maybe a bit more expensive but in the long run I think it is well worth it.
Am I thinking correctly here ?