Originally posted by David Niles:
No....you most definitely SHOULD make your money when you buy, if your numbers are correct ( and they should be if you know what you are doing ) then ALL your expenses should be calculated ahead of time, including padding for any unforeseen, making your deal work. I have never bought a rehab that I have ever regretted or worried about because I never over pay, my numbers are what they are and I dont pay a penny over, whether it be auction or anything else. If you cut yourself to the bone to buy, then most times you will get bit.
I agree with David. “you most definitely SHOULD make your money when you buy” otherwise no matter how god of a job you do for rehab and also marketing for sale, it will end up being a loss.
But this will arise another question that if you never over-pay, where and how do you get the right property in this competitive market. When a house is listed, you will not be the only one who wants to purchase. or basically where do you go for finding the right property.