I tried a couple of property management companies or ''want-to-be'' property managers and in overall I wasnt impressed and found them not professional enough.
If you look at the overall numbers, the Poconos area has over 1,700 active SRT listings and +90% are owner-managed. If you are an owner and if you have the time to dedicated for your STR business - that's the ideal scenario because nobody else would have more vested interest than you in making it successful.
However, if you are an investor looking for passive income or planning to scale your STR business, its paramount to have professional help.
Most property management companies will charge either a flat fee or a percentage of the revenues that could vary from 10-20%. During a good season, an average 3-4BR property makes 6-8K in revenues, so you are handing over 1.2-1.6k in that month - that's a considerable stake of your margins.
Few property managers are willing to enter performance-based contracts where compensation are tied to clear performance indicators. That's for me a clear no-go signal.
How is your experience with property management companies so far?