I redid a whole house in Pex a while ago. Mostly because I didn't want to deal with the soldering and having the new stuff stolen again 2 weeks later.
It was ridiculously easy to put in, and probably way faster (never did copper). Price wise I can't really compare. The fittings do add up, but you also use less, as not every bend needs one etc. The tubing is so cheap that many use the manifolds with valves and run separate tubes for sink, shower, etc., and can easily shut off in the basement.
I used the crimp connections, not one of them leaked. The tool cost you $100 initially, though.
A drawback is just that you cannot have it exposed to sunlight for a long time (they say 30 days). So anything open in the basement, for example, I had to cover somehow. I simply used electrical tape, which adds to the time, but still worth it.
And if your supply tubes for a sink come through the floor, you need an elegant fix to stabilize them, as they don't stand up straight as copper or steel would.
And in tight corners, you may not get the crimp tool in, as that needs quite a bit of space.