Originally posted by @Brian G.:
@Michael Slockers how do you handle expenses prior to putting a property in service (ie acquisition, rehab, make ready, etc.)? It would be nice to record that as part of the cost basis. How do you handle that? Thanks!
Depends what the intent of the property is - if you are going to flip it, will go on your balance sheet as inventory and any costs associated with improving or rehabbing the property will be capitalized to the cost basis of the house (roof, walls, bathroom, etc). You could have an account called "House Flip - WIP" and "Rehab costs - WIP". WIP = Work in process a term used in manufacturing. For smaller costs, under a certain threshold provided by your CPA, you are able to deduct those on your P&L right away. Once you sell the property, it will be transfer to your COGS on your P&L.
If you are planning to keep the property as a rental, it will go in your balance sheet as a fixed asset or construction in progress under fixed assets. You will also capitalize all costs that are significant to getting the property ready for its intended use. Once the property is ready to be rented, depreciation can be taken.
Hope this helps.