So today(the day after Valentine’s Day), the most interesting thing happened to me. Yesterday I completely sucked as a husband to my wonderful wife and did surface level gifting. Today I ordered a large bouquet of flowers and have dinner all set for tonight! All of a suddenly I get a text from my wife asking me to get home. I could tell by the tone of her text it was one of those “you screwed up again” text. I get home and she has a letter she wants me to read. I’m completely baffled as it’s a typed letter from an unknown person using one of our addresses as the sender. The letter rambles on how I have kept this fantasy of a relationship up with the undisclosed person. In the letter she calls my wife by her full name which no one uses and me by my middle name again which no one uses. It felt like a blanket email or letter similar to the yellow letters we receive when people are interested in buying a property. Long story short my wife knows the man I am so I wasn’t concerned about the letter but it forced me to think about extremes. As I thought more and more one of the extremes was, “would a fellow investor do this?” Create a risk/rift to take advantage of a situation of a happily married couple. Our area recently has been labeled an opportunity zone and continues to thrive. My wife and I own a large number of properties within that space. That’s not to say “we are all that”. Definitely not cocky and very humbled and fortunate that RE has opened doors for us. I’m just baffled that we received this letter and trying to find out am I the only one this has happened to or are there other horror stories like this or worse. I’m hoping that though we all want to gain that folks aren’t crossing lines to do so. Would love to hear your feedback if you can relate some how. AJ