@John Burtle - I don't know what I can name on here as far as products for fear of getting this very active post shut down. I sent you a message. There are several systems out there. The one I use has a monthly subscription for $5 a month and I can pull 20 searches. The results will get me a general search. It will give me phone numbers, addresses, next of kin and such. Or I can search by phone number or address. Nice to be able to see who is using that house as a residence and such. For criminal, traffic, legal and such, I'll get a flag count. For example, here are the flag counts for the following people we've been talking about.
Scott Carson - criminal:8, traffic:2, financial:6, properties:5, legal:13, licences:0
Jay Tenanbaum - criminal:21, traffic:2, financial:1, properties:4, legal:4, licences:2
Adam Adams - criminal:0, traffic: 0, financial:0, properties: 3, legal:0, licences:0
It doesn't show my properties in my companies, so I am assuming it does not show legal actions against the companies. I'm not positive about that. I am also assuming that any legal action would be against me and my company and not just my company.
So looking at these results (for $4.99 a month), I do not need to spend any more money on the detailed background check. Why would I invest with anyone with 21 criminal records. Maybe a few can be explained. Maybe a couple folks I invest with have had a BK or Foreclosure back in the 2008 crash. I'm OK with that. Maybe that 1 legal action is my dog bit my neighbor's dog and the neighbor is suing for damages. Or maybe it is a million-dollar lawsuit. So if I get a count that everything looks good except for 1 or 2 flags, then I might pay the extra for the detailed report. 13 Legal records? I don't need a detailed report. Financial records would be things like Foreclosure, IRS liens, etc. Criminal could be anything like public intoxication to a full-blown felony.
If anyone wants to know what system I use, just shoot me a PM and I'll tell you.