the claim that PM cannot share tenant's credit file / application is fundamentally incorrect because (caveat - not a lawyer so this is not a legal advice, was told this by a lawyer, but you still need to talk to your own lawyer)
1. the business relationship is between the landlord and the tenant, not between the property manager and the tenant - property manager is given limited rights by the landlord, which include tenant screening on the landlord's behalf, collect rents, etc. and all such limited rights are fully revokable. Pretty much all residential lease agreement start with something like "this lease agreement [] between [] LANDLORD and [] TENANT..." which establishes such business relationship for the purpose of leasing / renting LANDLORD's property (in other words, TENANT Is willingly entering into a financial/business transaction with LANDLORD, _not_ a property manager
2. Title VI specifically says "§ 604. Permissible purposes of consumer reports
[15 U.S.C. § 1681b]",
- (a)(3)(F)otherwise has a legitimate business need for the information(i) in connection with a business transaction that is initiated by the consumer;
3. further, Title VI says "§ 624. Affiliate sharing [15 U.S.C. § 1681s-3]"
(A) a financial contract between[]
(B) the purchase, rental, or lease[]
PM declining to share information may do so if they are concerned about landlord not furnishing compensation for finding and placing a tenant, which can be resolved through legalese in contract between two parties. Title VI should not be an excuse for not sharing tenant's information, since landlord is effectively the one on whose behalf this report is being furnished. Finally, PM may decline sharing all applications they receive because that changes their process or increases burden or whatever, but again, the application for tenancy _belongs_ to the landlord on whose behalf this business transaction is initiated. PM is just an _authorized party_
There are also state level requirements, so ymmv there as well