I like to do the prescreening on the phone and take notes. This weeds out a good amount of people which is just a list of a few questions I have. Many people are pretty forthcoming and I just let them know that this is just to make the best use of their time and I'd hate for them to like the place and pay to apply when I can't rent to them. I encourage them to be honest and most people are. I don't think everyone understands the full eviction process but I ask them if they were and a lot of people tell me that it was filed but they moved. I don't know if this would show on my check but I'm not interested so it may catch a few my screener wouldn't. From there I schedule showings in 30 minute blocks back to back and the home is 90% done so if someone no shows me I just clean some windows or finalize some touch up paint. I am big on the prescreening as some prospects get upset and I have had a few get hostile over the phone, I'm not looking to have that conversation in person.
That was a long winded way to say I prescreen but don't actually have them submit and pay for an application before viewing. I want to get an idea but I personally wouldn't pay for the privilege of looking at a house and I think good tenants know they don't have to and will find another more reasonable landlord. Also I have had a few people tour that were just nuts and maybe they qualified maybe not but I was no longer interested good sir after you repeatedly put your hand in a mole trap when told not to. That poor wife knew they were done at that point and they just left with her family and I never head back even though I think they were really interested. If they already applied and saw the place I really don't see why you could say no to someone who may not be a great fit personality wise.