A nice 8 bedroom cabin in the Smokies will do well. It is obviously going to be appealing to family reunions, wedding parties, and two/three families meeting up for vacation. As Luke said, it won't stay as booked - this will typically be a long weekends and holidays cabin - but your nightly rent will be substantial, simply because there is a limited supply of these cabins.
One word of caution on large cabins: We have managed these types of properties in the past, and they are repair/maintenance intensive. Large groups of people together for several days can be quite hard on a house. We were constantly repairing furniture, broken chairs, touching up walls, unplugging potties, etc. What we found is that folks at these types of cabins often spend quite a lot of time actually at the cabin. So the math works against you in terms of repairs/maintenance. Contrast this with a smaller cabin, where the guests quite literally are often just sleeping there, and rarely even cook.
On a large cabin such as the one you are looking at, I am going to budget $10,000-12,000 a year for repairs and maintenance to be safe. Some years you might get by with $5,000; others it might be $25K because you are having to replace a bunch of furniture, etc.
As a side note, we have had a much better ROI on furniture getting the good stuff. Ashley-grade furniture needs replacing often. As an experiment, we went with high end leather in our newest cabin - several Ralph Lauren pieces and a couple of Drexel, and they are extremely durable. Twice the price, but I think it pays off. My $.02.