@Darian Richardson , @Kenneth Gore
Kenneth responding to this post caused me to be reminded of it today. Which is cool because on 8/31/2021 I will be closing my 10th purchase taking me up to 9 rental properties and 1 personal residence. So it was really neat to be reminded of how much consternation I had around this issue at that time.
One difference in my original question vs Kenneth's is I was concerned primarily about qualifying for the additional loans where you all may be more focused on saving the down payments. I was a single guy house hacking in a basement of a house so i felt like the down payments themselves was just a function of how long it would take me to save them. When I wrote the post I felt a bank wouldn't qualify me for a second loan etc based on income.
My biggest point of feedback to the question based on my Journey is the two things below.
1. just to figure out how to get "the next deal" and keep learning. if you do that incrementally at each step you will know more so the next one will become easier. As an example of this i got my second deal by going to a less expensive market an hour from my first property. There i was able to put 25% down and that wasn't that much more than the cost to house hack in the market where my first deal was. Then my 3rd deal was in that same small market but by talking to folks i ended up connected with as guy who finances properties to folks up there using land contracts and so the 3rd deal didn't require qualifying based on income at all. Each of those learnings was a big improvement on my original concept.
2. Understand that things will change dramatically from what you currently see as the parameters of this decision. I cant say how much they will change for you but i was 23 when i wrote the original post and I was about 2 years into a career as a software sales person. Here are some things that changed:
a)interest rate on my second deal was 4.75% the deal i am buying end of month is 3.125% so the interest rate climate changed.
b) after buying the 3rd property i stopped buying real estate and committed to paying of 90k in student debt. I expected that to be a 2 or 3 year process. but in the process of doing that something inside of me changed and I saw my income from sales increase 2X over the years 2019 and even 2020, i expect this year to push it even higher. This allowed me pay off the debt in 9 months but then it has also fueled incredible portfolio growth AND its made income qualification a non issue for me in getting to the 10 loans.
c) I am now married so even after we close end of the month and get to 10 mortgages I will still be able to buy 10 more in my wifes name so now I can do 20 rather than even being limited to 10.
My goal in explaining those things isn't to brag but to just explain how in my life the path has been super non linear and full of unexpected things. The whole time I just kept reading and learning and trying to plan the "next best thing" and that has compounded from the time I wrote this post. So don't worry about figuring "it all out" at deal 2. just figure out deal 2. then figure out deal 3. and then if you cant do deal 4 save some more money and look for another way.
Good Luck.