Any contractors using Angi Leads/ Home Advisor consistently? Got on the phone with one of their reps today and seemed more like a used car sales then a true service. I got on google and read through about 5-6 pages of reviews and seemed to be a 50-50 shot on whether or not it worked well for the contractors. I.e. too many customers not going through with the job and still being billed for the connection, or monthly charges that may or may not have been previously discussed?
For context I have about 7 years experience in Handyman (and started my electrical license before going to the navy) and have just gone into business for myself. Looking for a good boost to get my feet off the ground, and trying to get opinions on whether this is a smart move.
Thank you for any input, customer and contractor side. As well I am in the San Antonio/Hill Country area in Texas, if that helps with any reference to the situation either.
Thank you again,