@Kelsey Cole You've gotten a few pieces of great advice here, and I do agree, it's fantastic that you're looking into this from not only your perspective but trying to see from seller's point of view. You have a seller in potential need here, but likely not distress - those are very different animals. Now if the property has some deferred maintenance, cap ex items, etc. that changes your narrative a bit.
The good news is if you end up, let's just say $10k off of one another, when you run your numbers you're not going to see much difference in your monthly payment. Now, if the deal is razor thin on margins for you and $10k off of your ideal price makes it a bad deal for you, may be best to pass. If you pass, take your learnings and move forward and continue to follow the methodology that got you to this point bc it will get you a great result!
Keep us updated on how this turns out and best of luck to you.
And I love @Jordan Woolf's question, I am absolutely stealing that one.