My heart goes out to all those affected by Hurricane Harvey, as I am still rebuilding in Fayetteville, N.C. after Hurricane Mathew last October. I had 3 feet of water enter 2 of my quad-plexes and no flood insurance. I felt helpful when the area was declared a federal disaster and FEMA came in. Sad to say they helped my tenants but nothing for me since I didn't reside at the property.
Once the waters recede it is extremely important to start gutting everything down to the studs to prevent mold from developing. It will be a long road to recovery but you will get there as I have. The loss of 8 incomes overnight was not easy for me. I have one building up and running and will start on the other one next month.
One thing I can say is that the government programs will eventually come thru but don't hold your breath waiting on them. As a housing provider, you must be proactive in getting the needed help and staying engaged with your City Council is essential. Almost a year later grant programs are just now rolling in. They will match my repairs dollar for dollar, which will be a tremendous help in rebuilding my units.
Wishing all the best during this trying time. Just remember that the difficulties we encounter are here to make us better, not bitter............and I must say that my ordeal has forced me to be a better investor and has provided a great learning opportunity.