There are only a handful of degrees that a feel are worthy of a full 4 year college/university. If you honestly feel a degree is important, than I suggest a person attend a 2 year community college to get most of the basics out of the way.
Going away to college is not only about learning the books, but also about a coming of age. Learning responsibility, but is college the best way to do that? I certainly feel if you want to "come of age". Serve your country!
If a teenager can't apply to get a butt load of scholarship money, then why not join the military. After four years, you have a better idea of what you want to do in life anyway. You can then return, use your GI Bill, or in several states such as Illinois, your education at a state institution is FREE (if you live here prior and return after).
When we are 18 do we really know what we want to do for our lives to put up with over 100k of debt for the rest of our lives? Maybe we should have a poll. What was your college major? what is your degree in? and what are you doing for a living now.
Electrical & Computer Engineering here.. and 100% full time real estate. I use that degree... not really.