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Darryl Matthews

Questions to Ask Your Real Estate Agent

By Darryl Matthews, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

When choosing your real estate agent the relationship you establish can either be a match made in heaven, or a complete nightmare. Read More

Nic DeAngelo

4 Reasons Real Estate is the Best Investment in a Post-COVID World

By Nic DeAngelo, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

Despite the unknowns COVID has provided, real estate continues to provide a steady, lucrative investment opportunity. Read More

Brian J Allen

Reprint:Buying Multi in Worcester in the Current Environment 5.13.2019

By Brian J Allen, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

reprint of an email i sent on 5.13.2019 Read More

Michael Margarella

What the Supreme Court Eviction Moratorium Ruling Means for Landlords

By Michael Margarella, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

The impact of the Supreme Court eviction moratorium ruling, and why some landlords may still have additional obstacles to evict a non-paying tenant Read More

Elizabeth Klingseisen

Why Empowered Women Make Great Real Estate Investors

By Elizabeth Klingseisen, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

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Laura Alamery

7 Common Obstacles Investors Face With Fix & Flips

By Laura Alamery, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

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Maggie Polisano

3 Steps to Determine Which Credit Card is Right for You

By Maggie Polisano, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

Credit cards can be a powerful tool when used properly. Many of us understand that utilizing a credit card and paying it off can help us build up our Read More

Cheng Bin Zhang

Slow House Hacking in Greater Boston

By Cheng Bin Zhang, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

Pandemic has forced our young family to think hard about how to sustainably house hack in great Boston Read More

Joel Heck

What are core, value-add, and opportunistic investments?

By Joel Heck, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

Understand the risks and returns of core, value-add, and opportunistic deals Read More

Jeffrey Isenberg

Leverage and How to Use it Properly - Real Estate Investment Tip

By Jeffrey Isenberg, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

Leverage is one of the most powerful tools that investors use to acquire larger properties, increase their returns, and scale their portfolio! Read More

Gary Swank

Another Housing Crash?

By Gary Swank, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

Why I feel we are not headed for another housing crash Read More

Mitchell Mazotti

First Blog Ever! Starting the real estate life!

By Mitchell Mazotti, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

Starting in real estate, Realtor, flipping, wholesaling, and investing. Can anyone do it? 41, single father, better life. Read More

John Casmon

Lessons Learned from our 81-Unit Multifamily Deal

By John Casmon, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

3 lessons learned from our latest multifamily deal. Read More

Jason Malabute

Knowledge is not power until implemented

By Jason Malabute, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

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Wendy Patton

Reduce Your Risk 99% Take Control Without Ownership

By Wendy Patton, almost 3 years ago with 0 comments

Your path to ultra-low risk in today’s hot market is to have Control Without Ownership Using Lease Options!! Read More