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Posted 2 months ago

Assumable Loans - Want a low interest rate in 2024?

Arizona Investments

Jump to the end to see my website for assumable home loans. 

To start off, I would like to say it has been a tough 2 years for my investor clients to find deals in Arizona that cash flow. I have to educate them that Arizona is an appreciation state primarily and for some clients that just does not align with their goals. For my clients from California, Hawaii, New York, & Washington, buying here has still been very popular for them but low cash flow has turned away many new beginner investor clients who are looking to replace their 9 to 5 income with a portfolio of cash flowing rentals. Honestly, it is has been a bummer for me as an investor friendly realtor because my whole goal is to help people build wealth through buying and selling real estate. 

Luckily I have recently come across an alternative for my investor clients to get into something that might still make sense for their cash flow goals - Assumable loans. 

Assumable Loans

Any seller that bought a home with a VA or FHA loan can offer the next buyer to assume their interest rate and terms. You do not have to be a veteran or a first time home buyer to assume these loans either. This helps both buyers and sellers! Many buyers have been sitting on the sidelines worried about their monthly payment and many homes have been sitting on the market longer because of this, often times causing sellers to reduce their sales price or offer lots of concessions to attract the right buyer. 

If you've been struggling to find cash flow-positive investments in Arizona, exploring assumable loans could be the solution you've been looking for. Don't let market conditions hold you back from building wealth through real estate. Take advantage of this alternative financing option and embark on your journey towards financial success.

You may be able to put little down or even get a 2nd loan to bridge the gap between the sales price and the homeowners equity and you will still have a better interest rate than todays market rates (May 2024).

Check out my website to see a list of homes in Arizona that are able to be assumed. 

Happy Investing,
Allie Pfannensiel
