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Posted over 1 year ago

So you want a mentor?

I see requests for mentors all of the time on different groups and have even had people reach out to me asking for mentorship. I love the concept and have had quite a few great mentors. That being said, most people go about it all wrong!

A mentor can fast track your journey and open innumerable doors for you that otherwise would have been extremely difficult to get into. That's why everyone wants one! A great mentor is worth too much to measure. 

So how do you get a mentor?

First I'll start off on what not to do.


  1. Ask them to be your mentor
  2. Ask what you can do to help them without doing any upfront homework

If you just go up to someone and ask them to be your mentor you're setting the tone for the relationship. You tell this person that you're always going to just ask them to do for you. This doesn't make their life easier or make them want to help you.

On the contrary, if you just continue to show up and figure out how you can help them they can't help but want to help you and mentor you!

If you want a mentor it's pretty simple.


  1. Identify someone who has a life that you want
  2. Figure out what they want (Don't ask, do research and due diligence)
  3. Understand what you can do to help them achieve their goals and then ask them if you can do that for them
  4. Give everything you can with no expectations of getting anything in return!

The more you give, the more you'll receive. The same applies to mentorship. If you find someone you want to be your mentor and just give, give, give to that person you'll learn what you're looking to learn!
