The Abc's of Understanding the Appraisal Process
Thursday, January 11
While it might seem complicated, understanding the appraisal process is as easy as learning your ABCs. Okay, so it might be a pinch tougher than learning your ABCs, but the good news is that’s what we’re here for: to answer any appraisal questions and guide you through the appraisal process one ...
When is a Commercial Engagement Letter Needed?
Thursday, January 11
If there’s one saying that holds true across many fields, it’s “get it in writing.” We often jokingly say that nothing is official until it’s in writing, but when it comes to engagement letters, getting something in writing can be far from a joking matter. In commercial real estate appraisals, a...
Smoothing Out a Rocky Relationship with an Appraiser
Friday, December 15
Take a second and try to remember an instance where you experienced a rocky relationship. Maybe it was with a classmate, a teacher, a family member or even a boss. Whatever the situation, as adults we understand that rocky relationships are just a part of life. In fact, you can probably hear you...
7 Commercial Property Red Flags
Friday, December 15
Think about your most recent trip to the beach: As you carried your beach chairs across the boardwalk, were you met with calm and clear water, or did you find yourself faced with hazardous conditions? Red flags offer indications of warnings at the seaside and beyond. In fact, the earliest record...
How are Appraisal Fees Determined?
Thursday, November 30
It goes without saying that appraisers and their services are valuable, and we couldn’t agree with that statement more. As licensed, trained professionals, lenders and property owners alike rely on appraisers to give the best and fairest appraisal they can. However a lot of factors go into deter...
Strengths & Weaknesses of Your Appraisal Department
Thursday, November 30
A famous quote from Saint Augustine reads, “The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation.” While Augustine wasn’t exactly speaking of the appraisal process, your financial institution, or AMCs, he does make a valid point that we can all relate to. In order to truly be gr...