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Posted about 3 years ago

Motivational Monday Part 7 - VISION BOARDS

”You aspire to do great things? Begin with the little ones.” Augustine of Hippo

You have a lot of ideas and dreams and you know where you want to be eventually, but have you ever actually written down your dreams, your goals? Until you write them down, it is hard to make them a reality. By writing down what you want to do, you create a visual representation of your future and this helps you to become more likely to achieve those goals. This is called a vision board.

Creating a vision board is not just an arts and crafts project. This is something that should be well thought out and you should definitely have a purpose to your board. For example: Why am I spending so much time working today? Maybe you are going to create a vision board to get you through tough days. Self-Storage Real Estate Investors run into a lot of roadblocks. Either way, you might answer those question with things you want to own, or things that you want to do or see. Perhaps you want more time with your family, or to retire early or even to give more. As you ask yourself why, write down the answers.

Once you have a complete list of why you are doing something then you should find visual representations of those things. For example, if you have always wanted to travel, go out and find pictures of the places you want to go, cut, and paste those places into your document- you are going to print this at the end. Or cut them out of a travel magazine and put them on a poster. If you have always wanted a particular sports car, go get it in your favorite color. Add it to your collage. If you want to have time to spend with family, get a picture of your family and write down more time together. If you want to do charity. Write charity in large letters on your poster board. The important thing is that this is a visual representation of your why. This allows you to know why you are going to push through the tough times.

Being a successful Self-Storage Real Estate Investor does not happen overnight. It is going to take a lot of hard work to get started. However, once you have your properties, and they are performing the way you need them to be, then you will be able to just relax and enjoy the benefits of all the work you have put into them. So, when you are struggling or having a bad day, a vision board allows you to see your ultimate goals so that you can push through the tough times. Have fun visualizing and making your dreams into something that you can touch and see every day. Make sure that it is in a place that you can regularly see it and as always, Happy Investing.
