Motivational Monday - Part 5
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
Steve Jobs
Do you feel like you are spinning in circles? Do you feel like no matter how hard you try or how fast you work you are a little more tired every day and those dreams you have are a little farther away? We all have the same 24 hours to work with. However, if you are not laser focused on your priorities, you are not going to achieve your goals, you are simply going to tread water.
You cannot do it all. I know that may come as a shock to some of you. Especially those of you with your perfect lists and organized lives. There is always going to be a tradeoff. Once you recognize that you cannot do everything, it will actually free you up to accomplish the things that matter most.
When you are caught up in all the things that you have been told you need to do and the things that you feel you have to accomplish to look just right, you may find that there is very little time left for the things that you really want to do with your life. Because of this, you have to prioritize what matters to you.
Do not spend your life chasing other people’s dreams! Find your dream and then set goals to help yourself achieve that goal. Do not set a generic goal either. Your goals need to be very specific to what you are doing. If you want to be a self-storage real estate investor, then you might start by educating yourself about the self-storage industry. Once you have done that, then you might start building your self-storage power team or surrounding yourself with people who can point you in the direction you need to be able to get started. Make sure that you are working with people who specialize in self-storage. There is a big difference between residential and commercial real estate. Do not be the person that your agent learns on, it will cost you money, possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Having people who can support you and help cheer you on as you focus on the goals that you want to achieve in your life is critical to your success. If you cannot find people who can be mentors locally, join online groups or get training and then find people who will cheer you on. You can do whatever you want with your life. If you want to be a self-storage real estate investor, do not let anything stop you! This is a fantastic investment choice and a great tool to building wealth. As always, Happy Investing.