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Posted over 1 year ago

Networking For Results!

Depending on what you are looking for will depend on how you want to network. Are you trying to build your team? Are you trying to find sellers? Are you trying to find investors or potential partners? Networking is a great way to find any of these teams, but you are going to go about it a little differently with each group.

When you are building your team, sometimes it just takes one person. Most people who are active in real estate know people in the business. Because of this, they can help you fill in the holes in your team members. Maybe you have a friend that is in the title business. This is a great place to start. Ask them who they know. They know which lenders are closing deals and getting the best rates. They know which Realtors are finding great properties. They can provide you with an introduction. Even if you are brand new, their experience will buy you some credibility. Don’t be afraid to ask the people that you know who they know in the business. Usually, you can sneeze and find someone with a friend in the real estate business. That person can then introduce you to more and more people until you have found a team that works for you.

Finding self-storage sellers who are in the market to sell can be almost as easy. As you get involved in the self-storage community, you will start meeting people. These people know people, who know people who know people. The trick is making sure that you are talking to people. If no one knows that you are in the market for a self-storage property, how will they know to tell you when one comes on the market? Make sure that you start finding groups that will help you to interact with other self-storage owners.

Finding investors and potential partners is not as hard as it seems. The first step is making sure that you know what you are doing. Whether you bring in a mentor to work with you until you are fully trained or you take training courses, your partners need to believe in you. Once they believe in you, then they need to believe in your system. Self-storage is a fantastic investment. It won’t be hard to convince them to work with you. The hard part will be structuring your opportunities and finding enough opportunities to keep your partners happy. Start by learning what you need to know to be confident and then start approaching everyone that you meet. Tell them what you are doing and explain to them how it can benefit them. Don’t be afraid to talk. What you are doing either works for them or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, no big deal, keep going. If it does, great; create a partnership.

Self-storage is a great business to be in. Networking is like a snowball. The more that you roll your snowball, the bigger it gets. As you network, your sphere of influence will continue to grow and grow. This will allow you to find the right people to work with. Have fun. Go out and start talking to people and as always, happy investing.
