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Posted over 1 year ago

How Do You Create a Fantastic Mailing Campaign?

Most of our deals come from direct mail. We believe that this is because we send out handwritten, hand stamped, number ten envelopes every time we reach out to a self-storage property owner. Then, we make sure that we answer every single call that comes in from our marketing. If you don’t answer the calls, you’ve wasted your time.

When you are sending out your letters, you want to take the time to handwrite the owner’s name on the envelope. They are more likely to open the letter if they think that it is from a friend or family member rather than junk mail. People don’t like to open marketing materials. You will get more people to open your letters if they look like they are from a person instead of a company.

If you don’t have time to handwrite the letters yourself. Hire someone with nice handwriting to do it for you. You can hire someone to work from home. Don’t spend your time working for minimum wage, your time is better spent making money by networking, making offers, and talking to sellers.

Next, use stamps. Companies use bulk mail postage. People use stamps. If you want people to open your mail, you need the mail to look like it is personal mail. We have found that number 10 envelopes are very effective. If you are not going to use number ten envelopes, then you should use cards. This is another way to get someone to open your mail.

Most direct mail marketing campaigns have between a 4.4% response rate and a 5% response rate. Our response rate is much higher. Part of that is because they are handwritten, stamped, and in the right size envelope. Another reason that we get a good response rate is because of the list that we use for our direct mail campaign.

You can buy a list of self-storage owners. This way, you are only sending your letters to self-storage owners. This way you are networking with other self-storage owners instead of everyone. You can also get your lists pre-scrubbed. This way you will only get properties that fit what you are looking for. If you want properties with a minimum of 3 to 5 acres, then tell that to the person who is giving you the list. If you want properties with a minimum square footage, make sure the list focuses on those properties. Don’t waste time and money sending out mailers to people who don’t fit your model.

When you get your list, you are going to have to perfect it over time. There will be owners who have moved. When that happens, look at the county records and find out where the tax notices are being sent then update your list. Each time you send out a mailer, your list will get better and better.

Take the time to set up your mailing campaign correctly. This is going to be a long term endeavor. You are going to send out multiple letters over many years. People may not be in the market to sell today, but when they are, your marketing materials will be in front of them if you are consistent. Direct Mail is a great way to find motivated sellers and build your network. Take the time to do it right. As always, happy investing.
