All In On One Deal and Now My Numbers Are Firing Back
Friday, November 25
Hello everyone. It's been over a month (maybe even almost two months) since I started this journey called Real Estate Wholesaling. I've read the forums, books, chatted with successful flippers, built a small (probably too small) buyers list and did a direct mail campaign on about 700 homeowners. ...
Closed on My House Today and.....
Tuesday, November 01
So, today I did my first closing!!!!! Yay!!!! Well, not really but also HELL YES!!! It was my first close but not from my business. It was for my personal house. Yes, I'm 36 and buying my first house but if you knew the road I've traveled you'd be surprised that I'm even alive and doing well thes...
I Lept for It
Wednesday, October 19
Well here we're are, October nineteenth. I've had some set backs and let downs. Two possible mentors jumped ship on me before we even unknotted the rope from the dock hitch. I spent three weeks handwriting yellow letters and sent them to my absentee list from my driving for dollars and I have yet...
Making strides and getting closer to my first deal.
Monday, October 17
I got to catch you all up on what’s been happening since I last wrote on this blog. There’s been a lot of development in my world though I haven’t closed a deal and still count down to the day I make a dime in this business. So let’s start where I left off…..I made a business plan, I attempted to...
Taking Action Now
Thursday, September 29
Okay, it's been a few days (or a week) since I last wrote. I know I left you with a boring business plan that, after thinking more about it, could be a lot tighter and specific. I fixed that but I don't feel like sharing. In short, I tightened my criteria even more so that I have a much more focu...
The Second Half of my Busines Plan
Tuesday, September 20
So my daughter is sick and I stayed home from work. Between chasing her little sixteen month old torpedo moving body around the condo and getting on the computer, I finished the second half of my business plan. I realized after starting it that I still have a lot to learn, which is evident throug...