Wealth building strategies: Habits
Habits will make or break you.
It’s the small everyday things we think are significant that often matter most.
They either set you up for success or for failure depending on your goals.
And it’s the last component you must master when trying to reach wealth. The first two being mindset and proximity.
Like a muscle, the more you train your habits the stronger they become.
Over the years I’ve developed a few habits that have continued to grow me both personally and professionally so I can show up everyday as the best version of myself. Perhaps you can include them in your daily schedule to do the same.
Feeding your mind with the 5-hour rule. This is a habit that Bill Gates, Oprah, Mark Cuban, and Warren Buffett swear by. I spend at least one hour a day reading or listening to podcasts to feed my mind. Some of my favorites are Main Street Business Podcast and the 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss.
Master Deal Analysis & Due Diligence. Want to know the hack to become an expert at identifying great deals? Make deal analysis a daily habit. Spend 30 minutes every day analyzing deals and doing due diligence.
Schedule thinking time. Time is not the hack to accomplish more in life. Most of us are in busy mode 7 days a week and don’t schedule time to think. Implementing this habit has been a game-changer for me. For each thinking time session, I ask myself a series of questions. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
What can I remove from my calendar next week to create space to hit my goals?
What am I currently doing that could be done by someone else?
How might I spend more time with those who are playing the game at a higher level than me?
Habits seem insignificant but over time they add up. What one habit will you develop over the next 30 days?
The ROI Inner Circle is a place where real estate investors go to build six figures in passive income. We share contacts, advice, and partner together on deals. Click here if you’d like to learn more.