Gladiator Top Secret Eco-Mission (aka The Tale of Two Bunnies)
Experience Earth Day, Gladiator Style!
Our dogs found a nest of baby bunnies in our backyard, and unfortunately, they ate three (almost 4) of them. So we worked hard to save the two that surived, and my children named them Jasper & Casper!
It was a long, hard road and we lost one of them......Jasper R.I.P 2009
The good news is that were able to save Casper! We decided that Earth Day was the most obvious day, and he was ready, to be released back into the wild!
It was an emotional day, but it really feels wonderful to have saved a life and be confident that we made the planet a better place today!
Do not forget to check out my good friend Jon Zorrer's website: www.REITVShow.comHe is a fellow Real Estate Investment V-blogger in New Jersey, and doing a fantastic job!
That's it for this edition of the Diary, see you soon!
Have a Profitable Day Everyone!