4 Simple Earth Day Tips.....Lets Make a Difference!
I often wonder how important this day really is to people. You always hear folks talking about being eco-friendly, but how many of us actually follow through?
Do you shrug it off as just another day, or do you utilize the time to re-evaluate your carbon footprint and focus on a few small changes to make a difference in the world.
It really does not take a lot of work, let me share with you 4 easy ways to make it happen!
1. It can start with something as small as turning off your lights and television!
2. If you use a lot of ink on your printer, do you just discard the cartridges? They can be recycled!
3. Change the filters in your HVAC system. (You should do it anyway, yuck!)
4. Spend more time at home! You will not burn as much fuel, and you can simply play games and enjoy your family!
It really is that easy! These tips will not only help the environment, they will SAVE YOU MONEY!
Happy Earth Day Everyone!!
Comments (1)
Most of the things you can do are not only eco friendly, but can also save you money. Things like switching lightbulbs, composting, changing HVAC filters, keeping your tires inflated, etc are all money saving tips that double as earth friendly actions. Thanks for the reminder of Earth Day, Harrison!
Joshua Dorkin, almost 16 years ago