Why Paying Cash For Properties Will Get You the Highest ROI
Friday, April 14
As my investment property business continues to heat up, it seems like not a day passes that I don’t get asked “Can I finance this property you have for sale?”. Part of me wants to eagerly say “Of course!”, as who in their right mind wants to turn down a sale? But then the other part of me, the...
The day that turned my life around... and tripled my income
Tuesday, December 13
I’ll never forget that day. Our friends Tony and Katie had just lost their young son to a 2 year battle with cancer. Born the same week as our son, we felt a tremendous amount of empathy, and a little bit of helplessness. We knew they would turn to Lory’s Place, a non-profit center in our smal...
Using a HELOC/Cash/Stocks Purchase to then Cash out Refi
Wednesday, June 22
I want to give you some real value here, this is a strategy I'm currently executing, it goes right in line with @Brandon Turner's BRRR strategy, (Buy - Rehab - Rent - Refinance) at least I think it does!For this particular strategy, it is based on purchasing the property with cash up front. How...
How I'm Generating 25% Returns on Turnkey Rentals Without Debt
Thursday, May 26
A Good Strategy for the Busy Professionals I'm busy. You're busy. Most of us on BP are not full time real estate investors. We have children, jobs, businesses, problems, and not much free time. With that small amount of free time I have, I don't have a lot of time to search, analyze deals, r...
From 2 to 60 units in 7 months!
Sunday, May 22
I'm sure most of us have read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and immediately caught the vision for real estate investing. I first read the book back in 2000, and finally took serious action this past October. What took me so long?I was finally fueled by frustration. I always know I'm about to do somethi...