Education Phase
I am a couple of weeks into my deep dive into the world of REI, and I cannot get over how fascinated I am by all of it. I can't put down books I start reading about it (and I typically do not read books), turn on a podcast in the car on the way to/from my 9-5 every trip, and am addicted to reading through forum posts where people post about real life experiences. It's awesome.
Speaking of books, I finished the always-recommended Rich Dad Poor Dad about a week ago. Way too many times during that book I found myself shaking my head and laughing, thinking to myself "I have been doing it completely wrong this entire time." To the point where, at 35, I feel like I'm way behind and need to hustle extra hard to make up for lost time. Like everyone else, I highly recommend reading Rich Dad Poor Dad immediately.
I've also almost completed Brandon Turner's The Book on Investing In Real Estate with No (and Low) Money Down. It's a great gathering of many ways to creatively finance your investments, all in one book. It's showing me that, in the beginning, I'm going to really need to make some connections and try to find a partner to work with, at least on the first one. Or, if I know I have my numbers right, use a hard money lender.
My business plan (albeit a high level one) remains to prepare myself enough to feel comfortable with investing my time & money into a flip. If this flip is successful, I will roll the proceeds into the next one. Once I have enough capital to buy my first buy & hold property, I'll do so. Then start the process over again until I have enough cash flow properties to replace my current W-2 Income. That, is when I will have what I have been looking for ... OPTIONS!