Coming back up for air
A few days ago I posted my first blog about how I found my way to REI. Well, for the last 4 days I have been submerged in the ocean of information and knowledge provided here on BP, as well as other places. It truly is overwhelming the amount of information there is out there. But at the same time, I feel like every time I read or listen to a podcast I'm glued to it, and come away feeling even more excited about my decision to pursue REI.
Right now, though, "I'm all about that Action, Boss!" (Sorry, that's the Seattle Seahawks fan in me coming out) I've started taking steps (well, maybe more like shuffles so far) toward realizing my goals. I've started to get involved a bit in the BP community by making a couple of posts on the forums, and starting this blog. I also will be signing up for an REIA of Washington membership so that I can start being involved in that community, as well.
Also, my own personal big picture is starting to come into focus a bit more. I know now that I want to build a portfolio of cash flow properties in order to build myself a significant amount of passive income, while also flipping houses. The allure of flipping houses is just too strong for me to not at least pursue. The very first podcast with Marty Boardman really helped me solidify my interest in doing those two things. I want flipping houses to be my day job that raises me enough capital to invest in holds.
Next up ... I will decide on how I want to tackle obtaining my Real Estate License here in Washington.
Back into my deep dive, I go ...