Step 2: Setting a Tone
Current Readings:
Today We Are Rich by Tim Sanders
Beyond the Power of Your Subconscious by C. James Jensen
How to Make People Like You In 90 Seconds Or Less by Nicholas Boothman
Investing in Real Estate with No (and low) Money Down by Brandon Turner
I know. There should be something about marketing here. But not yet. The truth is, I find that marketing is a form of work. And it would be imprudent to start work without preparation. For example, if your desk is full of papers, would it be wise to just get to it? Or would it be better to clear the desk, sort the work in an organized fashion, and then get to work? I think the later. If not for time, simply because it would take longer to burn out.
Speaking of burning out, that is exactly what we don't want to do in business. So this post is about organizing one's life and increasing positivity. We are increasing positivity because the condition of your life effects what is in your life. Imagine your life as a box. Obviously you are doing business while living, so business is within your box. If you start filling your box with acid, everything within your box will decay. Including the box. Negativity is acid. Don't believe me? Go find anyone who makes you angry, sad, or anxious. Then come back and (don't) tell me about that burning feeling in your gut. With enough negativity, YOU WILL DIE. Faster.
So, how to lessen negativity and anxiety.
First, organize your life. Figure out what you want to do. In your day. In your week. Then set it up in your planner. That way, everything has its time, so you should know not to waste it. Second, you can see how much free time you have, and know to use it. Free time is free for a reason. Use it to do something interesting that you've been beating yourself up about. Family. Learning a new skill - mine is piano. Or play a video game. Just set a time to not work. When you're not working, don't think about work. Just be happy doing what you're doing. Be happy completing yourself.
Second, alter your associations. As social creatures, we change to fit who we are around. If you spend time around sports people, you will naturally learn sports just to fit in. If you spend time around negative people, you will naturally become negative just to fit in. Furthermore, as social creatures, what others say about us directly effects our perception about ourselves. I'm still trying to avoid my brother who calls me mean all the time. So lose negative friends who speak ill of you and kill your aspirations, and get some positive ones. I know, some of you may not want to get rid of your friends. That's like betraying them, right? Hey, remember that acid pit in your gut we were talking about? If your friends are causing that, that means your "friends" are pouring acid into your body. Not very friendly. Still not convinced? Fine, just tell them you need to be away from them until you meet a certain goal. They should understand. Or get left behind.
Say goodbye to negative news too. I'm on a "No Facebook" diet for a month. I never liked the "Type Amen" post people put. Some think this is helping. But it's only serving to put grotesque images in our minds and solidifying them with negative emotions.
Third, read positive books and skill building books. There is too much information of what I am learning that I can't write it all here. That is why you read. Also, reading gives you new ideas and could make you more positive. Such as, one of my books, Today We Are Rich, warned me not to be a devil's advocate. Being one only breeds negativity in myself and in the one I am advocating against. I realize that, because I have had many devil's advocate acquaintances. I don't listen to them because I felt like they were attacking me. Now they say I'm arrogant. This cycle, I would have known sooner if I had read this book sooner. So, read.
Lastly, speak positively of and to yourself. You believe what you say. You're always there to hear yourself. And whatever you say will repeat as long as you hear it. Tell yourself and others that you are determined. Say that you are successful. Say that you are intelligent and creative. Whatever you say will drive your reality. I can't explain it well, but I was told it was backed by science. However, I do remember that whatever I told myself I was good at - languages, math, piano, planning - I was magically good at. And, if nothing else, the feeling of hopelessness that comes with doubt feels like acid. Might as well drown it out with positivity.
Started doing these last Monday. I'm already happier. I know because I laugh more often.
- Set your goals and organize your life. Let free time be free time.
- Change your circle of friends and/or family.
- Intake positive and/or skill-building books and media.
- Speak positively about yourself and your life.
Thank you for reading and I'll see you later.
Comments (1)
Amazing post Edward. This really helps set the right attitude and mindset.
Michael S., almost 9 years ago