Step 1: Defining My Goals (and my current position)
Okay! This is where we begin. What I want.
But first, as I do in video games, I need to determine where I am... This is embarrassing:
Level: 1
Occupation: College Student
Class: Aspiring Real Estate Investing Entrepreneur
Skills: None that are known to the player
Money: Income = 0 ; Passive Income = 0 ; Available = 200
Next Level: Income = $1000 or Passive Income = $1000
Key Items: Laptop, Cell Phone
Location: Sacramento, California
This is starting to actually look like a video game. What do you know?
Why: My family has been broke for as long as I can remember. Aside from the divorces, I had gotten many other irritants and deprivations because of it. I never got to learn what I wanted including languages, martial arts, or piano. But the irritant is the scarcity mindset I've been taught. Now that I am grown, I am working to subdue my past teachings, learn a new mindset, and learn what I want to learn. To live how I want to live. With so much to learn, I can't imagine using my time working for someone else. My family wasn't happy. But I've been a near model son as a child, favored as a student, and more ambitious and had more desire for growth and improvement than any of my peers. Never rewarded for it. I've long felt that I deserved more than I have gotten.
Goal: Achieve $3,000/month in income. Also to achieve $5,000/month passive income.
Method: Learn wholesaling because it's the only thing I know that costs little money that doesn't involve already having income.
- Earn $3,000/month through Wholesaling (and wherever else money comes)
- Focus Wholesaling efforts in areas I'll be buying from later (if I refer single-family, I will buy single-family)
- Use profits to buy rental properties that produce passive income
Why $5000? As a young student with no girlfriend and no children, I can do a lot with (only) $5000. And I have no one to impress, so all my money goes to needs. Plus, it's the starting salary for Computer Engineers; Computer Science is my college major.
So I realize that I don't have any notable skills. I was told that my money increases as my worth and skills increase. However, if my skill don't relate to what I'm doing, they won't effect my pay in that area.
- Gain wholeselling skills
- Find out what people like in my market.
- Find out what a Real Estate Market is and how to study it. (Pricing? Violence? What is it? How do learn this info when I find out what it is?)
- Find out how to tell if a property is a good deal.
Areas of Interest:
- Vacancies
- Tax Liens
- Foreclosures and Pre-foreclosures
- Short sales
- Single Family
- Multifamily - Duplexes (not many other kinds in Sacramento...)
The first 4 in the Areas of Interest seem to be where I can get under-priced properties. At least, that's what I've heard. So, I need to learn how to find them and how to profit from them.
Alright, that is all. See you all next time. I'll tell you what I learn later.
Comments (1)
It's very apparent that you have already decided what you want and how your going to get it. If you continue to educate yourself in the area that you want to successfull in, then your goals will come.. Stay Positive no matter what. You'll do fine, just get started.
Mark Venice, almost 9 years ago