Why I Started This Blog
So I was reading BiggerPockets Ultimate Beginner's Guide and found that it said to contribute to the community. I thought, "How do I do that? I have no knowledge. I haven't had successes yet. What could I possibly give?"
Then I realized, there may be many people who are at the same place I'm at right now. Just starting and wondering how to move forward. Sure, there are people who give a basic story or some strategy, but I don't yet know how they'll help a person move forward. So, I'm writing this so people in my position can follow what I've been doing and see how I've changed.
In my Blog, I'll tell these things:
1. What I'm doing to gain information and why.
2. What I learned.
3. What I did that day regarding real estate and its results (for me)
4. My successes and failures
5. My stats (Income, Job, etc.)
6. Any step-by-step process I went through that got me what I wanted
Basically, this is my diary. So if no one else reads this, at least I'll have a record to go back to. Although I hope some people will be kind enough to volunteer thoughts and advice. That way readers will have something to grasp.
Alright, next blog I'm talking about where I am and what my goals are. Why? Step 1 (or some other subsequent number) was to define what I want. There I will also tell how I plan to get it. So... I'll get on that now.