What is a Financial Nirvana Mama?
Monday, June 11
noun [variant spelling momma]; a consultant, entrepreneur, real estate investor & unquenchable life long learner dedicated to supporting you in your financial journey....And her name is Tracy Ma. Other than being an accomplished engineer, wife and a mother of 2, Tracy hosts the blog at Financ...
Real Estate Investing Terms: Debt To Income Ratio
Monday, June 11
First off, what is Debt-to-Income? The Debt-to-Income ratio is one used by lending institutions when underwriting your loan (for almost anything - car loan, mortgage, HELOC, etc). DTI is a calculation they use to measure the risk on which you'll be able to pay back the loan you're seeking. The l...
Real Estate: Business or Investment?
Monday, June 11
After publishing the 12 Sites Every Financial Freedom Seeker Should Know About, Eric Bowlin reached out to me with a much deserved, "Wait, you forgot me!" type response. I appreciate him doing so as once I read the article he put together for me below, I felt as if I just left church where the me...
25 Financial Freedom Instagrammers You Need to Follow
Monday, June 11
As a follow-up to the overwhelming response received from the 12 Sites Every Financial Freedom Seeker Should Know About, I want to provide you a list of guys that are focused on real estate investing and have a heavy, plus consistent presence on Instagram. These guys continue to be an inspiration...
Real Estate Investing Terms: Net Operating Income
Wednesday, March 14
OK, ok, full disclosure, this one is really for me. When recently analyzing a real estate investment opportunity, I added an expense that is not considered and operating expense and it totally through off my evaluation of the #s and almost resulted in a very offensive offer. Sometimes offensive o...
We Will Never Sell This Rental Property...SOLD!
Saturday, February 24
A friend of mine recently asked to see a blog post about our first few acquisitions. Starting to provide him with those links (on what I consider my wife and mine's first buy and hold deals and not my false start), I realized I never posted about our very first deal. How rude of me! Thanks for in...