Firefighter: The Best Job for a Real Estate Investor
Monday, January 28
Firefighters have THE BEST JOB and the best job when it comes to investing in real estate on the side, but don’t take my word for it. Hear it straight from Lt. Mike Webb ( and Capt. Ryan Kinyon on how they balance fighting fires and building wealth during their off-time: h...
We Earned $231/hr From Our Rental Properties in 2018
Thursday, January 17
The 2018 #s are in! The biggest # we track when it comes down to it is cash flow. While cash-on-cash return comes in at a close second for priority, the main focus for us is cash flow. And while I don’t go into net worth accumulation by someone else paying down your debt (i.e. the tenants) nor do...
Reflect and Soar Higher in 2019
Thursday, December 20
Reflection on 2018 Goals From the Time to Reflect, Time to Set 2018 Goals and Begin Pursuit post (man, I still love that photo and memory of taking it), I listed out my 2018 goals. Here is how I did with those: ACCOMPLISHED Increase Annual Passive Income by $2,000 month(July 2018) This was ...
How Does Your Vote Compare to Other Real Estate Investors?
Thursday, December 20
Here is a review of how members of the Real Estate Investing for The W2 Employee Facebook Group polled in 2018. How do you measure up?Join us! We want to see your vote & read your opinion! November 7, 2018 And those year end property tax notices are starting to arrive. How many of you ha...
How I Balance a FT Job, Growing Family, and a REI Side Hustle
Thursday, November 29
At times I'm questioned how I do all of this…work a highly demanding full time job, have a growing family and obtain a side hustle as a real estate entrepreneur. Being up before the sun and coffee is the short answer but as I dive into this more, there is, indeed MORE. Here are 13 TIPS that work ...
The 15 Books You Need to Read in 2019
Tuesday, November 20
The average American will read one book per year. DON'T BE AVERAGE! For 2019 I'm providing you a list of 15 books, or one per month with a few for extra credit.The links & images take you to Amazon for Customer Reviews, formats, and snapshots of what’s inside each:1. Retire Early With Real Es...