Always Be Ready To Buy - Hard Money Bankers
It is very important to always be in a position to buy a deal or at the very least have the financial ability to be ready. There is nothing worse than putting all of your money into a deal and as you work on that project, 3 or 4 more pass across your desk. If you are not able to take advantage of those , you are leaving money on the table. If you have $100,000 you would want to make sure you link up with a hard money lender as they can make $100,000 worth $500,000 in buying power. They offer you leverage so you are able to stay liquid even while you are in a deal. This will allow you the opportunity to buy multiple deals at once. If you are missing 3-5 flips per year because your money is on the street, then you are leaving $150-$250,000 in profit on the table. Learn how to always be in a position to buy.
Ian Walsh215.839.3271