Student For Life - 2 Meanings
Being a "student for life" has two meanings. One is very good and the other can really hinder your financial success. It is important to be in a state of learning and absorbing for most of your real estate investing life span. Learning from your experiences and others can protect you from risk and lead you towards opportunity. The other 'student for life' mentality is the trap of being in a classroom for too long. Education is good, but because people can find themselves feeling productive in a classroom , they don't end up taking the chance to apply the information they learned into the real world. People are taught from a young age that school accomplishments are in an environment where they are the student being judged by the teacher. When people succeed in this environment they sometimes are trapped into a comfort zone that deep down inside keeps them in the classroom longer than they should be. They use the receiving more and more education as a personal excuse to not get out in the real world and truly test themselves. It is a fine line that only the person sitting in the seat can answer for themselves. Identifying when you have enough knowledge to leave the nest versus too soon is a very personal decision each person has to make.
Ian Walsh215.839.3271