Don't Run A Business For Your Ego
Running a business takes a lot of self discipline both externally and internally. Many people get into running their business and find their new position of power intoxicating. I see it all of the time and I can say from first hand experience that it is counter productive. When I first started running my own company, there was a certain amount of ego that I was feeding which at times would get in the way of good financial decision. The only thing feeding your ego will do is cause you to lose money. It could be by losing a deal, a relationship or coworker. It doesn't benefit anyone to make your head bigger. As I have grown over the last decade I have made sure that I have done away with anything related to my ego. Looking back on it, it is embarrassing to have acted on certain things that were amateur in the nature of running a business. It is a learning process but with out fail, if you check your ego at the door, your business will become much easier to focus on the bottom line and growing. Make sure you take a hard look in the mirror to know why you run your business. Everyone has a certain amount of ego they have fed or are feeding so the sooner you stop that, the faster you can reach you professional goals.
Ian Walsh