How To Double Your Lead Flow
This title sounds like it is going to lead to a gimmick or secret in your lead flow. The truth is the answer is very simple and you probably already know it. Many investors get in the position where they are trying to do more business but keep coming up short on deals. They are able to find an amount of deals per month that is being limited by themselves. People talk about deals not being out in the market, but remember that there are thousands of investors getting deals every day. If thousands of people are getting deals every day, how can you not grab a few more? The reason is you are not marketing enough. If you need more leads , double your marketing efforts. This means if you are doing a mailing campaign of 1000 mailers per month, make it 2000. If you are making 20 cold calls per day, make it 40. You are limited by your own scale so increase your efforts to increase your bottom line.
Ian Walsh