Don't Work Hard - Work Hard And Smart
In our economy and society there seems to have been a lot of value placed on 'hard work' at some point in time. We see people referring to hard work on TV, in our sports and in our homes. Hard work is certainly important but there is a big part of making ' hard work' effective that never seems to get mentioned. Working smart and hard is the key. They have to come as a package deal in order to have the potency that people are looking for. A person can work very hard 24 hours per day and still make minimum wage doing so. The CEO of a major corporation can work smart and hard at the same time so he with one swipe of a pen he can make more money in 2 minutes than the person working for minimum wage 24 hours per day. Both people work hard at their job and there is a lot to be said about that. The CEO works smart and hard so he is able to extract the most from his hard work. He is maximizing the use of his time. A good work ethic is to be commended but a good work ethic coupled with smart decision making is to be truly respected.
Ian Walsh