Investor Secrets To Direct Mail
Direct mail is as old as real estate investing but not to be overlooked. Not only should it not be taken lightly but it should be a primary function of any investor looking to acquire off market deals in their farm area. Direct mail is extremely effective and very easy to track. There are a few bullet points that make a direct mail campaign successful.
The first one is to be consistent. You have to remember that you are trying to time your services with meeting someone that needs you at the right time. The person you mail this week might be someone going through a divorce. When they receive your first piece , they might not have even thought about selling their house yet. Then 3 weeks later they receive another piece from you and the timing is right, they are looking to sell and all of a sudden they have your post card in their hand. The only way you can work on proper timing is by being consistent.
The second highlight for good direct marketing is the targeted list. The more targeted the list you are mailing the better. The reason being, if you mail to less people but with a higher conversion rate, you are making your marketing dollars stretch further. We try to target a 10:1 ratio. This means for every $1000.00 we spend, we try to make $10,000.00. Some strong lists to look into would be probate, divorce, foreclosure and non owner occupied. Those 4 lists mailed consistently will bring in more deals than most people can do. They are targeted so you can make your marketing dollars go much further than just a shotgun blast with no end seller in mind.
Direct mail is a very strong marketing piece for offline connections. Every investor that does off market deals is almost guaranteed to have some form of a mailing campaign running. The next time you are at a networking event and bump into a long time flipper, ask them what kind of mailing campaigns they normally run to get their off market deals.
Ian Walsh